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You'll find yourself among people of many backgrounds, interests, and ages who care about peace.  We are always seeking greater diversity representing all communities in Humboldt.  Do you have a skill or interest you would like to contribute to Humboldt Mediation?  Please get in touch or complete this volunteer application.

If you would like to work with us as a volunteer mediator, you will need to take one of our mediator trainings and be mentored by an experienced mediator.  Please do let us know of your interest so we can let you know when our next mediator training will be held.

Our wish list includes (but isn't limited to!):

  • Project coordinators who will manage logistics, volunteers and resources on specific, time-limited projects, including trainings, fundraisers, and tabling events
  • Help with technology, including computers and video production
  • Publicity assistants
  • Bilingual speakers of languages other than English who will train to be mediators
  • People with office and/or service experience to assist in case management
  • Musicians, bands, and performance artists who will participate in HMS events
  • Visual artists who will share their work in support of HMS
  • Social media mavens to help with social media
  • Public speakers

Please join us working locally toward global peace

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